The Hummer Newsletter



October 2017


Office:  6820 US Hwy. 285, Fairplay, CO 80440

Mailing Address:  PO Box 1778, Fairplay, CO 80440

Phone:  710.836.2533


Caretakers:  Tom & Jane Tingle


There was a good turnout for the Annual Meeting. Votes for new board members exceeded last years’ elections by 40 votes for a total of 163 votes. New board members include Brandon Walker, Kristi Divinski and Randy Winterboer. Congratulations to all three!

Positions for the board for this term are:

  • Vice President: Randy Winterboer
  • Facilities Director: John Ludivig
  • Secretary: Kristi Divinski
  • Treasurer: Linda Childs
  • Member at Large: Brandon Walker (in training for Facilities Director)
  • Member at Large: Joyce Derby (Annual Meeting and voting process changes)

A board meeting was held in the clubhouse on Saturday, September 30. There was a very open discussion with those present about creating a Master Plan for Facilities and the possibility of reevaluating CORA’s covenants and by-laws. Further research with the attorney will determine the feasibility of tackling a complete review.

Kay Greenlee
CORA Board of Directors

Beautiful fall colors will not be here long. As seen above a stand of quaking aspens have lost their leaves already at the loop on the end of RGS. One solitary aspen in the middle still holds brilliant color.

This shot on Depot Drive shows a great backdrop behind this colorful tipi.

Here is a fun piece introducing new board member, Brandon Walker.

Walkers That Run

My wife (Patti) and I have always been two that have enjoyed putting one foot in front of the other. Our lives circled around running when we were younger and they still do. In addition, our hearts/lives together have always been called by the mountains. I proposed to Patti while hiking Longs Peak in Rocky Mountain National Park. I carried my brother-in-law’s soprano saxophone in my hiking pack and when we were above tree-line, he played, I sang, and I surprised Patti with an engagement ring. Our lives have been running downhill ever since. We’ve had our mountain peaks and we’ve had our valley’s but they have all been blessings. CORA is one of those blessings. We currently live on the gulf in Gulfport, MS, but our heats are in the mountains.  We are raising three beautiful southern girls who talk and dream about our time in the mountains.

We are fortunate and blessed to call CORA our second home. We love the south, especially the ability to run outside in shorts all year. However, nothing matches the scenery of running at CORA. The altitude change from sea level is definitely something that gets you huffing and puffing, but that is what running does, it demands and creates strength. Running the road at CORA does the same, but with breathtaking and encouraging views.

My wife and I were married in July, and we have spent almost all of our anniversaries with our family in the mountains during our summer vacations. This year was no different, but we finally were able to go on a date to celebrate; we ran the CORA hill together. Some might question our sanity … ha! It was only fitting that on our favorite day, with our favorite person, at our favorite place, that we do our favorite activity. We’ve ran through 15 year of life together, and there’s no slowing down now

NOTE:  Joyce Derby will be addressing concerns on the voting procedure for the next election at the Annual Meeting. More to follow as the process becomes finalized. Hopefully, the changes will alleviate any concerns lot owners have.


Park County has a new resolution amending the Park County Land Use Regulations effective June 22, 2017. Moving forward all structures and mobile units must be 50′ from any lot line on the exterior of the development. Additionally, all structures and mobile units must be 5′ from interior lot lines or RV space boundary.

The shed rule still is one accessory structure per lot. Park County lifted the size of the structure. The height peak of the shed, the roof line (center line) can be 10 off the ground. However, CORA will still regulate the size to accommodate our lot sizes to 120 sq. ft. or less.

  • Approximately two miles of road base in SN will be finished this fall.
  • The pool is closed for the season. Research is being done to see what work can be done in the winter to restore it to an improved condition.
  • For the java junkies the coffee pot in the clubhouse was fixed.
  • The hot water heater pipes in the ladies room of C&S was repaired. Touch up paint may be needed.
  • This winter the clubhouse will be getting a facelift in the form of new paint. Estimates are being collected at this time. The color scheme will stay much the same, perhaps a lighter color on the trim.
  • CORA’s caretakers house was refinished on the inside due to the hard work of board members and their spouses. Regular maintenance is necessary to maintain CORA’s investments. Kay’s husband, Bill Greenlee, hung new blinds. Joyce and  Ken Derby spent three days painting the interior and trimming trees. Marsha Ludivig and Marge Pierce cleaned. Larry Chiuppi and Nancy Raimondi donated bed risers. The inside was furnished with used furniture. Tom and  Jane thanked all of them for their efforts at the last board meeting. Pictures following.
  • Thank to Paul Pierce, the metal pile is going to be reinstalled. Paul was able to find a vendor to take all the metal for recycling. It will be located behind the barn, out of view from the highway. A sign will be posted at the old dump site  “NO DUMPING”.
  • The wifi service was turned down for the winter season by Steve Scott.
  • Someone drove into the front gate and damaged it. No one reported running into it. Some work was done to straighten it and make it operational. A stop sign was placed in front of the mark to open the gate to remind people the gate needs time to open before charging through.
  • New locks were installed in the office due to key theft from the pickup truck.
  • Locks had to be installed on the power boxes to the caretakers house. Someone turned off the power. Fortunately, it was discovered before freezing weather damaged the waterlines. Patsy and Ralph had a freezer full of food that was spoiled.

Sadly, these acts of vandalism and accidents are costing the CORA community money and time in labor. Please be watchful and report any unusual activity to our new caretakers, Tom and Jane Tingle.

Tom and Jane began their services to CORA on October 2, 2017. Patsy, Ralph and I will be training them in the next few months.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Ludivig
Facilities Director


At the board meeting on September 9, 2017, Nancy Hair DPS 161 and Linda Starr, DPS 235, brought up safety concerns regarding three horse corrals and two shelters. They addressed the board by saying it is a great area but needs modernizing. Concerns about safety are due to the rundown conditions. Boards are breaking through. Additional stalls are needed. They are requesting supplies from the board. When asked if they would head up a committee to present a budget and design to the board in the spring, both agreed to do so. New board member, Kristi Divinski, was happy to hear this discussion. The corral is named in honor of her father, Phil  Lobb, an equestrian, who helped shape CORA into the community we have today.

After seeing these picture, we think you will agree this asset has been sorely neglected.

Social / Activities Committee

Greeting CORA Members!

Most of you are aware that we have a Social/Activities Committee in the CORA Community.

The mission of the committee is to plan, organize events and entertainment for CORA members and guests to enjoy. The committee is not a set group of individuals and is open to all members.

Meets are held monthly and listed on the calendar. The calendar is always available in the clubhouse and will also be added to the newsletter.  Check the website for new editions of The Hummer.

Attendance of any and all CORA members is strongly encouraged to help with ideas and planning of various activities. We are always open to new suggestions.

Examples of activities include: themed potlucks, bingo, highway cleanup, pizza night, wine and cheese, dances, Fourth of July events, ladies luncheons, Party Bus to Cripple Creek and many more.

Several members met on Tuesday, September 5, 2017, to put together a preliminary calendar for June 2018. More to follow.

Many events are scheduled specifically on Saturdays so those who are here only on the weekends have the opportunity to attend, have some fun, meet CORA members and maybe win at Bingo!

Please join if you can. Send ideas or suggestions for activities you’d like to see at CORA.

Thank you to all who volunteer and participate! We have fun!

Submitted by,

Kim McClain